Thursday, October 11, 2007

John Muir Woods

I flew to San Francisco last weekend and one of the places I visited was the Muir Woods National Monument. There are several trails you can hike, the one I chose passed right by where this picture was taken. I was lucky enough to find a picture on flickr that I recognized from my hike.


mj said...

Oh my, JPanther, how in the world were you LUCKY enough to find this exact picture on flickrrrrrr?!?!?!? I am overcome with admiration. til next time...

jpanther said...

I don't know MJ, maybe I was born under a lucky star. I detect some jealousy that you weren't lucky enough to find your own picture and had to use one that SOMEONE else found for you.

Page2Peon said...

Did you visit SF's Red light district? If so, I want details!!!

Debra Park said...

Your photo and the fall weather here makes me wish for a walk through these woods. . . OR ANY WOODS THIS WEEKEND. dp