Friday, October 26, 2007

RSS lives up to its name

Setting up my bloglines account was easy, getting it to pick feeds I was actually interested in was a whole 'nother story. Bookworm was one of the quick picks I selected and yet 90% of the subscriptions it picked for me were book related. I just don't have the time to read about what other people like to read. So I ended up deleting a bunch of feeds and just adding websites I visit. While doing this I realized my web browser has a RSS button to detect feeds on a page, how handy.

The main thing I like about newsreaders is the consolidation factor. When I have too many open tabs or browser windows I get frustrated trying to go back and forth between them. Stop the madness I say and with RSS I can. I doubt anyone will be enthralled with my feed picks, they are pretty generic, but here is my url nonetheless.


Page2Peon said...

arrghhh!!!! Insert the link! Don't make me do all the work!

jpanther said...

I actually thought that my blog would be smart enough to recognize and insert the link automatically. I guess I've been spoiled by my email which does it without me doing any of the work. Ummm not to sound like a newbie but how do you make it link??

Page2Peon said...

Okay n00b, i'll be sure to help you out sometime.

jpanther said...

Aha who's the noob now? I will make this technology do my bidding!

mj said...

Yeah...IF YOU CAN THINK IT YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!