Saturday, November 17, 2007

Technorati Parti On

Technorati Anagram Logo
Originally uploaded by eston
Okay Technorati is not a website I'll be visiting often. I don't particularly see the attraction in reading total stranger's blogs. Am I alone in this? I guess if I had a friend with a blog I might look them up but on the other hand I could just ask them for the url. Just an old fashioned girl I guess.

I couldn't even find myself on Technorati until a co-worker looked me up. The complete randomness of my ranking 8,911,336 made me wonder how they came up with that exact number. Especially since my coworkers and I share the same ranking, is it cause we all have no authority and zero fans? After that beat down I refused to claim my blog and support their elitist regime.

But lest you get the wrong idea Technorati is a simple, functional website for those of you with the time to explore and the desire to read blogs. More power to you if you are such a person. I'm so slow I can't even keep up with these exercises let alone read my fellow worker's blogs.

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