Saturday, November 3, 2007

LibraryThing rhymes with bor-ing

I read a lot of books but for some reason I had a hard time coming up with titles to add to my library. I also thought there should be summaries of the books so you knew which one to choose, which would be especially helpful with series.

I don't really see the purpose of LibraryThing and doubt I'll be using it much or at all. Apparently I'm just one of the masses because my picks ranked right up there with everyone else's. I never realized I had such mainstream tastes. So then I had to go back and pick more obscure titles. Anyway here's my link to LibraryThing, .

1 comment:

Page2Peon said...

Nick Hornby rocks!!!! I loved Fever Pitch. It's about my favorite footbal club, Arsenal. Why did Jimmy Fallon and Drew Barrymore have to ruin everything?